Use "jealousy|jealousies" in a sentence

1. Is that the acrid stink of jealousy I detect?

Das ist doch nur Neid!

2. So instead of letting jealousy build up like a head of steam in a boiler until there is a violent explosion, it is better quietly (not accusingly) to mention one’s feelings during a calm discussion between husband and wife.

Anstatt das Gefühl der Eifersucht aufstauen zu lassen wie Dampfdruck in einem Heißwasserspeicher, bis es eine fürchterliche Explosion gibt, sollte man während eines ruhigen Gesprächs mit dem Ehepartner sachlich (nicht vorwurfsvoll) erwähnen, wie man empfindet.

3. During his stay in Japan, his adroitness, insinuating manners and medical skill overcame the habitual jealousy and reticence of the natives, and enabled him to elicit much valuable information. In November 1692 he left Japan for Java and Europe, and in October 1693 he landed at Amsterdam .

Herausgegeben von Detlef Haberland, Wolfgang Michel, Elisabeth Gössmann.